With a view to preparing as well as possible for the coming season, our club coach Suzy Clapp is starting our Men's Pre-Season on Thursday, 1st August at 7pm for a presentation, before getting down to the pitch.
These pre-season sessions will then continue through August every Thursday at 7.30pm, before reverting to the normal 1s and 2s training slot at 8pm in September.
We are delighted to see Suzy return to coaching at Lewes HC and look forward to benefiting from her wealth of experience in being a World Cup Silver Medalist, European Champion and Masters Captain. Suzy has also been selected on to the two year GB Advanced Coaching Programme, more excellence we are sure we can all benefit from.
Mens pre-season is open to those in our Mens 1st XI and 2nd XI squads with a great chance to develop skills and fitness. Pre-season friendlies have been arranged for the Mens 1st XI squad too through August and September, giving Suzy and Alex (captain) as much time as possible to set the tone for the coming South East Division 1 West which starts on Saturday 21st September. Phil, our 2nd XI Captain is soon to announce a couple of 2nd XI pre-season friendlies too.