Coming into the game, the 3s were determined to continue their current winning spree against Burgess Hill 2s and show our improvement from the beginning of the season where Lewes lost 3-1 to Burgess Hill. Once I chaotically saved a fallen out contact and regained full sight on the train over, Kate and I discussed tactics to cover some gaps in our normal line up and manage no subs (although thanks to Sasha and Tanya for volunteering as emergency subs!). Despite this, we were feeling confident.
The game started really strong with Jess, Goldie, Pippa and Ruby working beautifully together to create loads of space and move easily around Burgess Hill. Within 5 minutes of the game, Ruby skilfully moved around Burgess Hill defence in the D and found the back of the net. This early goal pushed Burgess Hill to fight back harder and use their youthful players to speedy breaks up the right wing and put more pressure on Lewes. Although the mids and defence put in a strong effort and Freya making a couple of great saves, Burgess Hill managed to get a equaliser. Not deterred, Lewes fought on determined to regain their lead. Remembering the ease of using the whole pitch in the first five minutes, Lewes breathed and worked as a whole team to great effect. The magnificent and cool headed back line of Kate, Emily, Lou and Lucy distributed and transferred the ball from left to right with ease, creating space and encouraging the rest of the team to move into space and communicate. Always providing back options and a transfer, our back line was class on Saturday showing their composure especially at the end of the game when protecting our win. Again, Jess made some fantastic runs as right mid and feeding the ball up to Pippa. Godly Goldie as ever provided a central structural role to the team, redistributed balls to the forwards and demonstrating her ability to strategise and react to the game, as well as guide others to do the same. Soon, this gorgeous team work paid off with Lewes constantly putting pressure on Burgess Hill in their D and Pippa found the back of the net with a staggering reverse hit. With 10 minutes to go before the end of the first half, Lewes continued to work together and managed to protect their lead to half time, making the score 2-1.
After half time, Lewes came back determined to increase their lead. Although Lewes’ defence was under more pressure in the second half, the skilful defence kept breaking Burgess Hill’s attack. These breaks were quickly picked up by us mids and given to Ruby, and Pippa and Rhi to make beautiful runs and turn the break into a forceful attack. Ruby and Pippa linked up beautifully all game, constantly assisting each other, which was beautiful to watch. Ruby skilfully found the back of the net again, making the score 3-1. Although Lewes never won an attacking short corner this game, our short corners were so improved compared to even last week’s game- so shout out to Lizzie for Tuesday’s coaching session and giving us the confidence and knowledge to do this, we can build on this so we can win these shorts! Through calmer and spacious play, which used the back line's constant provision of back options, Pippa soon scored another stinker of a goal. In the last 10 minutes of the game Burgess Hill had about 4 short corners, all of which our glorious defenders saved. A MAHOOSIVE shoutout to Freya, our glorious keeper who has saved us an indescribable amount of times over the past two seasons. It was Freya’s last game with the 3s before she goes to University, and again you showed all the reasons we adore you on and off the pitch. The last goal of the day summed up the whole game. A fab clearing of a short corner from Kate to Pippa who ran the ball up the line, beautifully crossed it from the bottom of the D to the top of the D for Ruby to impressively hit it to the back of the net for Ruby’s hat-trick. GLORIOUS. Pippa deservingly got players’ player for her skill and composure in the D in addition to her beautiful assists. The 3s are now 5th in the league (above Priory!!), so let’s take this beautiful play and team work into our game this week against Priory, it will be tough but nothing can stop us now!! COME ON THE 3S!!!!!